Friday, July 1, 2011


Hi! So it's been a few days since I posted here. But I'm back to say that even though the 3 weeks I did with my Gratitude Experiment felt like a chore, it definitely made a difference in my life. I do it virtually automatically now - I just find myself naturally feeling grateful for stuff.

And things are lightening up in my life very much. Money is coming in from all directions. Not millions, but still. I'm enjoying it, and I'm really grateful that I did this. Highly recommended!♥♥

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Day 23

I switched things up today. I realized after 3 weeks of doing this that it had turned into a chore I didn't enjoy. So I'm switching to the more realistic and productive version of reflecting upon what I'm grateful for in the am and pm, as well as a meditation in the am.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Saturday, June 25, 2011

2 n 3

Another day successfully done, with 2 & 3 down!

Day 19

Woke up feeling drab again. Dunno what's going on, but the remedy is always a quick gratitude session!

Done for da nite

Tonight was another night I REALLY didn't want to do this. But I did, just to be good to my word - and this blog. And I'm really glad I did.

Some stuff happened today that really threw me off course. Left me feeling like total crap. Now, after doing 100 gratefuls back to back, I feel good again! Amazing how this stuff works.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Day 18

One down, 2 2go

Day 17

Done. Very proud of myself. I was extremely sleepy, it is 1:06am right now, and I had forgotten about my third one. Computer was turned off, teeth were brushed, I was ready to go to sleep. So I'm so proud that I actually switched it back on and actually did this.

It feels wonderful to be true to your word - especially when your word is to yourself. Nite, I'm out!

PS: This was posted after midnight, thus the lack of posts on June 23. However, I did do my first two - I was just out and about all day, forgot to log them.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

And I'm done

2 and 3 done in one sitting. I know, I really need to do number 2 mid day. Working on it. But I'm not going to make myself wrong for it. That would be the old self:)

Day 16

One down. Something tells me I'm going to keep going after my 30 days are up. This stuff is too helpful.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Done - 2 & 3 in one fell swoop

I did a regular 50 for my second, back to back with 100 rampage-style for my third. Worked out really good! Se ya tomorrow!

Halfway point

I'm halfway there - day 15! I did a "normal" session of 50 today. Will try that all day, to see the difference between that and the rampage-method.

Almost forgot

It's almost 1am, I'm tired as hell, but I still did it. Hellz yah.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Seacrest out

Stick a fork in me, I'm done! Feel good!

Day 13

Got off to a slow start today with some news that I could have been without. However, I get that it's just stuff rising to the surface, and when taken like that, it's amazing how fast it passes! Especially when I'm doing these daily triple gratitude sessions. 1 and 2 down, one to go.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Day 12 - Causeless Bliss

Today, for most of the day, I experienced what I call "causeless bliss". It really isn't causeless, but it feels that way, since nothing on the outer is happening to explain why I feel amazing - I just do.

I totally get that this is a great indication of the Law Of Attraction (or if you don't believe in that; my subconscious), starting to kick into high-gear from the consistent re-conditioning of my mind.

The Law Of Attraction has a "sticky" effect, in that the more you practice a thought, the easier it is to think it...and in turn, the more things, people, situations, etc will be attracted to one at that same frequency.

The trick now is to keep doing my 50 grateful's 3 times a day even if I feel great. The trap I've fallen into before is to back off once I start feeling good. Of course, then it's always just a matter of time before I end up where I started.

That's why it's so awesome that this blog and the internet is my accountability coach. I love it!

Having said all this, I was just enjoying the bliss today, and I did not do my morning or lunch gratefuls. So to make up for it, I just did a session of 300 things to be grateful for - rampage-style (see my other posts if you don't understand what that means).

Yeah, we're rolling now baby, yeeeeeeeehaw!!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Done for the day

2 & 3 is done, I'm off for some fine wine & a movie!

Day 11

One down, two to go. Did my rampage of appreciation again. From now on, when I do those, I'll do 100, not just 50, as they fly by really fast!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Da explanation

OK, so here's what I've been playing with lately: Instead of sitting and figuring out things that I'm really grateful for, here's how I've done it: I have 1 second to come up with something to be grateful for. It really can be anything - the sky, indoor plumbing, the sun that warms us - you name it.

I basically just rant off one each second in a total rampage of appreciation. The effect this has is that it energizes me something fierce! On top of that, it's gradually starting to make me appreciate things I've never been grateful for.

I have a feeling that if I keep doing this, it will make me start automatically going into appreciation mode wherever I am, as I'm used to picking up random things to be grateful for. It's already starting to work!

This will be very interesting!

2 - stick a fork in it

#2 down, one to go! Oh, details about my discovery tonight in my 3rd post.

Day 10

One down. Was tied up all day, so this is about the first chance I've had. New discovery...sort of. No time now, come back later today, I'll tell ya about it!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

2./3 down

I'm seeing a pattern here...I just did 2 & 3 in one session again. The pattern is that I've been flaking on doing my 2nd session, so I end up having to do a double session at night instead. Can anyone say resistance? Working my way through it, and I'm really proud of sticking to this, reporting to this blog every single day. Go me!

Day 9

One down, two to go!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


3rd one down! It's amazing how quickly doing this lifts my spirits - even if I can't think of much to be grateful for, and I'm naming just about anything that comes to mind to be grateful for. Powerful stuff.


Did #2 earlier today, just forgot to log it!

Day 8

One down, two to go! I caught myself slacking off on my daily-list...basically by making it way shorter. So starting now, I'll be back in integrity with it.

Monday, June 13, 2011

2 & 3 Done

Had another 2 & 3 in one fell swoop here. So here's committing to splitting them up again tomorrow! I was really tempted not to do this last one, as I was feeling crappy. But I did it because I have this blog to be accountable to.

I'm really glad that I did, because I got my power back and I feel great now!

One week down, 3 to go!

Whohoo, I'm a week in. My experience has been very interesting. I'm learning a lot about myself and how I operate. This daily gratitude stuff is definitely making the fat float to the surface here, no doubt.

And I love the accountability. For all the failed accountability-coach experiments I've had in the past, this is one that really works. Somehow, failing in front of the world (aka the world wide web) seems a LOT worse than failing in front of one of my friends/coaches.

I'm off and running!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Stick a fork in me

...Im done. With my third 50's of the day, that is. Exhausted - Seacrest out.

Part Deux

2 down, actually hours ago, for some reason I forgot to post that one too!

Day 6

Whoops, forgot to post this morning. But I still did my 50, so it's all good. Catcha later today.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Another 2 in 1

OK, catching a pattern here. I had to do my lunch/night 50's together, as I "forgot" to do my lunch ones today. Will correct that tomorrow.

I did the rapid-fire "rampage of gratitude" again, where I give myself less than a second to come up with stuff to be grateful about and I think I'm really on to something here. Something tells me that if I keep doing this, I'll develop the ability to naturally and automatically find things to be grateful about no matter how mundane.

You see the thing is, when I do them rapid-fire style like this, a lot of the things I come up with can be anything from "cars" to "ceilings", etc. The point is to train my brain to think fast and come up with a ton of things to which I attach gratitude. At least that's my theory.

It'll be interesting to see indeed.

Day 5 - The fog is clearing

Just finished a very nice meditation and 50 gratefuls. It feels like the "quickening" fog is finally clearing. Looking good!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Part 2 & 3, all in one

Had a small set back today. Had to do Gratitude 2 & 3 in one session here. I was also avoiding to start a new project that has potential for making me a lot more money. So next for me is to bust through that, which will happen tomorrow!

Day 4 - Saturday

I did a different kind of session today. Instead of my 50 gratefuls, I rapid-fired off 100 things that immediately came to mind. I gave myself about 1 second to think of each thing - the game was to have a gratitude rampage. And it worked!

Still sticking to my list like clockworks too.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Da Doldrums

Still going thru the "rising of emotions" as is normal when implementing significant change. But the important part is, once again, that I recognize that what I'm feeling isn't "real" - it's not me - it's just old emotional stuff rising to the surface, like fat rising to the surface when you boil cream.

It's natural, and I look at it as a good thing, as these things have to work their way out of my system.

Onwards I go!

Digging deep

I had to dig deep to find my 50 gratefuls just now. But it paid off big though. Made me reminisce about times that really made me smile. OK I'm off, fueled by gratitude (^_^)

Day 3

I was having some challenges coming up with my 50 gratefuls this morning. When that's the case, I just pick the little things that normally would seem insignificant - like indoor plumbing, airconditioning, my reliable car, etc. Works like a charm!

Oh, and I've been sticking religiously to following my daily action list. Really proud of myself in fact!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The Afterburner kicks in

Just finished my last 50 of day 2. The "quickening" effect has definitely started. Since this afternoon/evening, I've felt SO down, it's just mind boggling. I finally caught on, and realized that it's my system/protection-mechanism reacting to all these positive changes.

As you may know, whenever we make dramatic changes in our lives, our subconscious (aka "inner child") sees that change as a life-threatening situation, although it's anything but. That's what I've been experiencing and still am.

I think it's alright - nothing wrong with it, so I'm just "leaning into it" - allowing myself to feel whichever fear/negative emotion is happening, so that it can pass quickly.

I'm really loving this experiment, and it's only day 2.♥


Now I remember why I started this experiment. It's only lunch time on day 2 and I already feel better about myself, life and everything else than I have in many, many months.

I love the feeling of being happy RIGHT NOW, no matter what's happening. I'm just happy because I'm happy. What a concept.

Day 2, whohoo!

Feeling unusually wonderful, on a mixture of coffee and gratitude. This rocks!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Day one is done!

This last one was powerful. It made me realize how my subconscious has been running a covert job, launching Project Procrastination on me, to make up for any headway I was making on my gratitude experiment.

So starting tomorrow morning, I'm adding one more element to The Gratitude Experiment: I have to follow my Daily Action List to a T. Then, at the end of each day, I will report back here on whether or not I did it.

Say what you will, but this stuff is working - because all these ideas and AHA moments I'm getting all come when I'm doing my 50 gratefuls.

Over and out, see ya tomorrow!

2nd Today

 Done with my second set for the day. I probably waited a bit too long before doing them...felt my momentum sink a bit. So I'll be sure to check in for my final set of today in good time.

It just blows my mind how powerful this stuff is. Makes me feel better every single time!

It's a new day, whohoo!

Day one, I just rattled off my first 50 gratefuls and I feel wonderful. I love the feeling of being on a journey this gives. OK, I'm off to get cracking on my day, see you back here in a few hours.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Why I'm Doing This

This blog is my experiment to see how much my life can change in 1 month by simply finding 50 things to be grateful for, 3 times a day, for 30 days in a row.

That's a total of 4500 things to be grateful for in a month, give or take a little.
The whole idea is to activate the power of my subconscious, as well as the Law Of Attraction.

I'm doing this because I did the very same thing (found 50 things to be grateful for, 3 times a day) last year, for about a week. The results were staggering. After a few days, my mind went into automatic-mode, where I started automatically seeing things in life that I felt grateful for that I had never seen before.

My mood was amazing, I was completely filled with love, and just naturally and joyfully seeing the upside of life in almost every situation I encountered was totally amazing.

However, I didn't continue, because, as you may or may not have read somewhere, your habits (and also the Law Of Attraction) have a "sticky effect". Meaning that whatever your long-practiced habits are tend to bring you back there again.

This is why we seem to be stuck in cycles we dislike in life, be it romantic, financial or otherwise.

And that is why I created this blog - so I can be accountable to you - everyone reading this blog, whoever it be. Because once you practice new thoughts consistently, over time, your sticking-point changes - it elevates.

This means that when you reach the new sticking point, your subconscious/LOA will now pull you UP when you're temporarily down, vs doing the opposite. How awesome is that! And as you keep raising your sticking point, you eventually get to a point where you spend VERY little time in those doldrums and the majority of your time feeling wonderful.

And we all know what that does with manifestations in our lives. It's the secret that virtually all highly successful people use - whether they are aware of it or not.

HERE ARE THE RULES FOR MY GRATITUDE EXPERIMENT: I have to list 50 things to be grateful for, 3 times per day, for 30 days, no matter what, and for each time I do, I have to post it as a new blog post (not what I'm grateful for, just that I completed it). I have to post at morning, mid day and night, and if I miss one, I have to make up for it that same day, by doing a 100-gratitude session.

Anyone wanting to tag-team are more than welcome to. Just post your daily 3 times as comments!

I already did my first 50 gratitudes tonight, but my 30 Day Gratitude Experiment doesn't officially start until tomorrow - Tuesday, June 7, 2011. So be checking in here with a short post tomorrow morning to announce that I'm done with my "morning 50's"