Saturday, June 11, 2011

Another 2 in 1

OK, catching a pattern here. I had to do my lunch/night 50's together, as I "forgot" to do my lunch ones today. Will correct that tomorrow.

I did the rapid-fire "rampage of gratitude" again, where I give myself less than a second to come up with stuff to be grateful about and I think I'm really on to something here. Something tells me that if I keep doing this, I'll develop the ability to naturally and automatically find things to be grateful about no matter how mundane.

You see the thing is, when I do them rapid-fire style like this, a lot of the things I come up with can be anything from "cars" to "ceilings", etc. The point is to train my brain to think fast and come up with a ton of things to which I attach gratitude. At least that's my theory.

It'll be interesting to see indeed.

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