Monday, June 6, 2011

Why I'm Doing This

This blog is my experiment to see how much my life can change in 1 month by simply finding 50 things to be grateful for, 3 times a day, for 30 days in a row.

That's a total of 4500 things to be grateful for in a month, give or take a little.
The whole idea is to activate the power of my subconscious, as well as the Law Of Attraction.

I'm doing this because I did the very same thing (found 50 things to be grateful for, 3 times a day) last year, for about a week. The results were staggering. After a few days, my mind went into automatic-mode, where I started automatically seeing things in life that I felt grateful for that I had never seen before.

My mood was amazing, I was completely filled with love, and just naturally and joyfully seeing the upside of life in almost every situation I encountered was totally amazing.

However, I didn't continue, because, as you may or may not have read somewhere, your habits (and also the Law Of Attraction) have a "sticky effect". Meaning that whatever your long-practiced habits are tend to bring you back there again.

This is why we seem to be stuck in cycles we dislike in life, be it romantic, financial or otherwise.

And that is why I created this blog - so I can be accountable to you - everyone reading this blog, whoever it be. Because once you practice new thoughts consistently, over time, your sticking-point changes - it elevates.

This means that when you reach the new sticking point, your subconscious/LOA will now pull you UP when you're temporarily down, vs doing the opposite. How awesome is that! And as you keep raising your sticking point, you eventually get to a point where you spend VERY little time in those doldrums and the majority of your time feeling wonderful.

And we all know what that does with manifestations in our lives. It's the secret that virtually all highly successful people use - whether they are aware of it or not.

HERE ARE THE RULES FOR MY GRATITUDE EXPERIMENT: I have to list 50 things to be grateful for, 3 times per day, for 30 days, no matter what, and for each time I do, I have to post it as a new blog post (not what I'm grateful for, just that I completed it). I have to post at morning, mid day and night, and if I miss one, I have to make up for it that same day, by doing a 100-gratitude session.

Anyone wanting to tag-team are more than welcome to. Just post your daily 3 times as comments!

I already did my first 50 gratitudes tonight, but my 30 Day Gratitude Experiment doesn't officially start until tomorrow - Tuesday, June 7, 2011. So be checking in here with a short post tomorrow morning to announce that I'm done with my "morning 50's"

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